Hello! Sadly, this is my last Summer Learning Journey post! I've completed all the activities and won't be able to do it next yearπ. For this activity, I had to complete some sentences about what I thought of SLJ.
Here is my Week 4 Day 5 Activity 3:
What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey program this year?
In this program, I learned that there is such thing as acid rain.
What is one thing that surprised you?
I was surprised that people can wear recyclable items.
What is one thing that concerned or upset you?
That there are only 4 weeks of SLJ
What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
My family and I can help the environment by stop using plastic!
What was your favorite activity?
My favorite activity is the Great Barrier Reef fundraising activity, it's really fun to come up with different ideas.
Thank you SLJ team! I really enjoyed SLJ, it was a new experience to me and it was also really fun!π
I really wish that it would last a bit longer.
Thank you SLJ team, you did a great job putting this together!
Blog ya later!
Sunday, 13 January 2019
SLJ Adoption day!π£
Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to go onto the WWF adoptions site and pick 3 animals I would want to adopt(you don't actually adopt them, you donate $55 to WWF and they use that $55 to feed and take care of the animal).
Here is my Week 4 Day 5 Activity 2:

Out of these 3 animals, I would want to adopt is the Red Panda. I want to adopt the Red Panda because it's cute, fuzzy and the type you can carry around.
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Here is my Week 4 Day 5 Activity 2:
Out of these 3 animals, I would want to adopt is the Red Panda. I want to adopt the Red Panda because it's cute, fuzzy and the type you can carry around.
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SLJ Help to protect the PLANET!ππ³π·
Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to list down some ways that people can do to help the planet stay healthy:
Here is my Week 4 Day 5 Activity 1:
How you can help the planet stay healthy:
1. Use water bottles instead of plastic bottles
2. Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags
3. Use stainless steel cutlery instead of the plastic ones
What other ways can you do to help the planet?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 5 Activity 1:
How you can help the planet stay healthy:
1. Use water bottles instead of plastic bottles
2. Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags
3. Use stainless steel cutlery instead of the plastic ones
What other ways can you do to help the planet?
Blog ya later!
SLJ Restricted access
Hallo! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to go on a website about the government restricting the access to Machu Picchu, then I had to type whether I like what the government is doing or not.
Here is my Week 4 Day 4 Activity 3:
I think that what the government is doing is good because:
1. Machu Picchu is a beautiful place and if the government wants it to stay beautiful, so of course Machu Picchu will need a controlled number of people.
2. The trek looks a bit steep in places and some people might have gotten hurt before(if they weren't looking where they were going), so I think that if the government has restricted the number of people, it means that there's less people getting hurt.
Do you think that the government is doing the right thing?
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SLJ Plastic yes or Plastic no?
Ni hao! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to ask my family what they think of Countdown not giving plastic bags.
Here is my Week 4 Day 4 Activity:
Me: Do you like what Countdown's doing now, what they're doing with the plastic bags?
Sister: It is really good that they're doing this, not using plastic bags mean that we get to help sea turtles. But also I don't quite like it because we use plastic bags for rubbish bags and if we don't have enough plastic bags, we don't have anywhere to put our rubbish in.
I think that it's okay that they stopped using plastic bags.
What do you think?
Blog ya later!
What do you think?
Blog ya later!
Friday, 11 January 2019
SLJ Forest&Bird π³π€
Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to go to the Forest&Bird site and choose a Campaign, then I had to come up with a slogan for that campaign.
For this activity, I have chosen the Sea lion campaign.
Do you understand what my slogan means?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 4 Activity 1:
For this activity, I have chosen the Sea lion campaign.
Do you understand what my slogan means?
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Ni hao! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I learnt about a guy that has I had to list 10 species of animals that I would save from extinction.
Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 3:

Imagine you lost your home, chased for your fur, and hunted for your meat, how would you feel?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 3:
Imagine you lost your home, chased for your fur, and hunted for your meat, how would you feel?
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Thursday, 10 January 2019
SLJ Endangered Maui Dolphins
Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to post 3 True and False facts about the Maui Dolphin.
Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 2:

Do you know which ones are True and which ones are False?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 2:
Do you know which ones are True and which ones are False?
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Wednesday, 9 January 2019
SLJ Predator Free
Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to watch 3 videos about saving NZ native animals:
Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 1:
I like video Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project.
Here is my Week 4 Day 3 Activity 1:
I like video Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project.
I like this video best because I like how the man tries using technology to save the animals.
He uses mics and cameras to record the animal.
I also like this video best because he uses sounds to lure the animal into the trap. I like it when he uses the sounds instead of food because I think that when animals get lured into traps with food it's quite sad(to me) because they go in to get the food and they get trapped because they were trying to get the food(hope you understand what I mean).
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SLJ A house is NOT a home
Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to go onto the Fauna & Flora International (FFI)website and look for a project that interests me.
Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 3:
The project that interests me is Protecting Cambodia’s coastal and marine environments.
I chose this projects because:
1. Seahorses are listed to be saved in this project and I like seahorses.
2. FFI are also trying to save the hawksbill and green turtles by protecting the turtle habitats and nesting areas. This is a good idea to me.
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SLJ Veggie and Fruit
Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to list down 10 veggie and fruit I would plant in my garden.
Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 2:

Have you ever planted a veggie/fruit garden? I have in Garden to Table at Owairaka.
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Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 2:
Have you ever planted a veggie/fruit garden? I have in Garden to Table at Owairaka.
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SLJ WHEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to write down how I would feel if I went Ziplining in Rotorua.
Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 1:
If I went Ziplining in Rotorua, I would feel really excited and a bit tense. But I would be really excited to be speeding across the line and seeing the gorgeous view beneath me. I would be a bit tense because I'm a bit afraid of heights but it would be awesome to try it out.
Would you like to go Ziplining?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 1:
If I went Ziplining in Rotorua, I would feel really excited and a bit tense. But I would be really excited to be speeding across the line and seeing the gorgeous view beneath me. I would be a bit tense because I'm a bit afraid of heights but it would be awesome to try it out.
Would you like to go Ziplining?
Blog ya later!
SLJ Beijing, Beijing π
Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to write a poem about how I would feel about going to Beijing, China.
Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2;

I've been to Beijing before. It was at the end of 2016 and the beginning 2017.
Here are some photos:
Have you ever been to Beijing before?
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Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2;
I've been to Beijing before. It was at the end of 2016 and the beginning 2017.
Here are some photos:
Have you ever been to Beijing before?
Blog ya later!
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
SLJ Taniwha
Kia Orana! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to wonder whether I believe that the Taniwha exists.
Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2:
Do I believe that the Taniwha exists?
Yes, I believe that the Taniwha exists.
I believe it exists because it might be a transforming animal, I mean, perhaps they could shape shift into fish and hide away from humans.
I also believe they exist because they might be invisible, I think that they would be invisible because if they need to catch their prey, it would be too hard, their prey would see them easily by the size so that's why they need to be invisible.
What do you think? Do you think the Taniwha exists? Please tell me what you think.
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Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2:
Do I believe that the Taniwha exists?
Yes, I believe that the Taniwha exists.
I believe it exists because it might be a transforming animal, I mean, perhaps they could shape shift into fish and hide away from humans.
I also believe they exist because they might be invisible, I think that they would be invisible because if they need to catch their prey, it would be too hard, their prey would see them easily by the size so that's why they need to be invisible.
What do you think? Do you think the Taniwha exists? Please tell me what you think.
Blog ya later!
Monday, 7 January 2019
SLJ Dame Suzi Moncrieff
Hello! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to learn about Dame Suzi Moncrieff and think of questions I would like to ask her.
Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 1:
1. Dame Suzi Mocreieff, what was your first costume that you made?
2. What type of reusable materials did you use?
3. What is your favorite costume hat you have made?
4. Are the costumes comfortable?
5. What inspired you to start WOW?
Dress made from recyclable items
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Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 1:
1. Dame Suzi Mocreieff, what was your first costume that you made?
2. What type of reusable materials did you use?
3. What is your favorite costume hat you have made?
4. Are the costumes comfortable?
5. What inspired you to start WOW?
Dress made from recyclable items
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SLJ Acid Rain
Kia ora! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to learn about acid rain then write a short story of me coming out of my house after an acid rain.
Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 3:
Has it stopped? I wonder. I reach out for the doorknob and I twist.
Oh wow, just...wow. Before the acid rain, everything outside my house was normal. The forest trees had leaves, animals would be glimpsed running through the forest, birds would sing from their nests, but now? Now the forest is a huge mess, trees have fallen and their roots stick up, leaves have fallen off their branches, now on the floor like a leaf carpet, the grass that once was green, is now brown and crisp, dead birds lie on the ground with their beaks open wide, and a deer lies on it's side with it's eyes open in fear.
I walk into the forest to see if anythings living. Ewwww, there's a possum and a frog(both dead). I'm saying Ewwww because the frog is.....kind of.....destroyed, it's got it's stomach open.....Ewwww.
Wow, this is what happens after acid rain.
Have you ever have acid rain before?
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Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 3:
Has it stopped? I wonder. I reach out for the doorknob and I twist.
Oh wow, just...wow. Before the acid rain, everything outside my house was normal. The forest trees had leaves, animals would be glimpsed running through the forest, birds would sing from their nests, but now? Now the forest is a huge mess, trees have fallen and their roots stick up, leaves have fallen off their branches, now on the floor like a leaf carpet, the grass that once was green, is now brown and crisp, dead birds lie on the ground with their beaks open wide, and a deer lies on it's side with it's eyes open in fear.
I walk into the forest to see if anythings living. Ewwww, there's a possum and a frog(both dead). I'm saying Ewwww because the frog is.....kind of.....destroyed, it's got it's stomach open.....Ewwww.
Wow, this is what happens after acid rain.
Have you ever have acid rain before?
Blog ya later!
Sunday, 6 January 2019
SLJ When it's RAINING too hard...
Kia ora! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to list 5 things I like to do when it is too rainy to go outside.
Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 2:
Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 2:
When it's raining too hard to go outside, I like to:
- Play cards
- Watch movies
- Play the piano
- Draw
- Get a good book out and read
What do you like to do when it's too wet to go outside?
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SLJ Air pollution
Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to watch a video about air pollution, how it is created, and how it can affect us, then I had to share 3 new things I learnt about air pollution.
Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 1:
3 new things I have learnt about air pollution is:
Here is my Week 3 Day 5 Activity 1:
3 new things I have learnt about air pollution is:
- Smog is a type of air pollution and has serious health affects.
- Smog can harm plants, irritates the eyes and distress.
- When we burn fossil fuels to produce energy, Greenhouse gases are released into the air.
This is terrible! We need to make a change!
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SLJ Cool Clouds
Ni hao! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to find a shape in this cloud.
Here is my Week 3 Day 4 Activity 3:
In this cloud, I can see a rabbit. I can see some of the details, the eyes, and a tongue. To me, the rabbit is licking its paw and keeping and looking at something beside it.
What do you see?
Have you ever seen a cloud with a cool shape? If you have, please tell me what it was. I once saw an egg, an elephant, a dragon and a person riding a horse.
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SLJ π✩⚝✭✯⭒⭑
Kia ora! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to write a short summary about The Seven Sisters.
Here is my Week 3 Day 4 Activity 2:
Mitai had 7 brothers and they lived in the village of Maketu. One day, the brothers go hunting and see 7 beautiful women. The brothers fall in love all except Mitai. The brothers took the women home to make them their wives, the women never leave their house and the brothers only went out to find seafood for them(the women only eat seafood) .
The 7 brothers were so bewitched, they grew skinnier and Miati grew suspicious. He hid by the women's house and saw 7 birds on a branch that flew away. Mitai turns into a bird and followed the 7 bird/women, they land and turn back into women. Miati hear their plan to have the brothers dead. Mitai goes back to his brothers and tells them the women's plan, Mitai gives each brother a magical net to catch their wives in.
When the women come back, the brothers throw their nets on their wives and Mitai takes the captured women to Uru-te-ngangara, god of the stars.
Uru-te-ngangara places the women in the farthest heavens yet he lets them some out once a year. They are known as the seven sisters named Matariki, Tupu-a-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Waipuna-a-rangi, Uru-a-rangi, Waiti and Waita.
I tried making this review short but I can't really explain things shorter,(I mostly like to explain everything I can) sorry.
Blog ya later!
Here is my Week 3 Day 4 Activity 2:
Mitai had 7 brothers and they lived in the village of Maketu. One day, the brothers go hunting and see 7 beautiful women. The brothers fall in love all except Mitai. The brothers took the women home to make them their wives, the women never leave their house and the brothers only went out to find seafood for them(the women only eat seafood) .
The 7 brothers were so bewitched, they grew skinnier and Miati grew suspicious. He hid by the women's house and saw 7 birds on a branch that flew away. Mitai turns into a bird and followed the 7 bird/women, they land and turn back into women. Miati hear their plan to have the brothers dead. Mitai goes back to his brothers and tells them the women's plan, Mitai gives each brother a magical net to catch their wives in.
When the women come back, the brothers throw their nets on their wives and Mitai takes the captured women to Uru-te-ngangara, god of the stars.
Uru-te-ngangara places the women in the farthest heavens yet he lets them some out once a year. They are known as the seven sisters named Matariki, Tupu-a-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Waipuna-a-rangi, Uru-a-rangi, Waiti and Waita.
I tried making this review short but I can't really explain things shorter,(I mostly like to explain everything I can) sorry.
Blog ya later!
Saturday, 5 January 2019
SLJ Southern Lights
Bonjour! I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to learn about the Southern Lights then write an acrostic poem.
Here is my Week 3 Day 4 Activity 1:
Lovely to watch.
Inside bubbling with excitment
Gaping mouths as we watch.
The lights shining bright
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Here is my Week 3 Day 4 Activity 1:
Lovely to watch.
Inside bubbling with excitment
Gaping mouths as we watch.
The lights shining bright
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SLJ Parrots
Kia ora. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to choose one of the top 10 flying animals and write about it.
Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 2:

Have you ever seen an Eclectus parrot before?
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Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 2:
Have you ever seen an Eclectus parrot before?
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Kia ora. I've been doing SLJ. For this activity, I had to watch a video about flying foxes. Flying foxes having good hearing. It is their 'super power'. Then I had to choose a super power that I would like to have.
Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 2:
Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 2:
What super power would you have?
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SLJ Fairy Tern
Kia ora. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to write a short description about the Fairy Tern.
Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 1:
Here is my Week 3 Day 3 Activity 1:
Fairy Tern
Fairy Terns are one of New Zealand's native birds. Fairy Terns eat small fish. They lay their eggs in sand(on the beach) that has been dented. Fairy Terns are one of New Zealand's most endangered bird species. There are about 40 left. They are becoming extinct because their nests are sometimes trampled by people and cars. You can help by not driving and watching were you step on the beach.
Fairy Tern
I think we can help this bird.
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Malo e lelei! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to solve a mold math problem.
Here is my Week 3 Day 2 Activity 3:
Lets imagine we tested the air in your classroom and found 7 kinds of mould. The cleaner says is takes 5 days to remove each mould. How many days will it take to remove all the mould in the classroom?
If it takes 5 days to remove 1 kind of mould, then the equation should be
5 x 7 = 35
So it takes 35 days(5 weeks) for all the mould to be removed.
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Here is my Week 3 Day 2 Activity 3:
Lets imagine we tested the air in your classroom and found 7 kinds of mould. The cleaner says is takes 5 days to remove each mould. How many days will it take to remove all the mould in the classroom?
If it takes 5 days to remove 1 kind of mould, then the equation should be
5 x 7 = 35
So it takes 35 days(5 weeks) for all the mould to be removed.
Blog ya later!
Friday, 4 January 2019
Kia ora. I'v been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to imagine I had a sink that would take away any of my food that I don't want.

What do you hate eating/drinking?
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Here is my Week 3 Day 2 Activity 2:
I hate:
I hate:
- Broccoli
- Milk
- Egg(mostly egg yolk)
- Canned Spaghetti
- Slamon
What do you hate eating/drinking?
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SLJ Bumblebeesπ
Kia ora. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to complete 5 sentences about Bumblebees.
Here is my Week 3 Day 2 Activity 1:
Here is my Week 3 Day 2 Activity 1:
- The word 'bumblebee' is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word bumble meas to __hum, buzz, or drone__
- Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of ___54____ kilometres per hour (km/h).
- Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to __90__ percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
- Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to ___50___ times as much work as a normal honeybee.
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Thursday, 3 January 2019
SLJ Temperatures
Kia ora! I've been doing more SLJ.
Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 3:

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Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 3:
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SLJ How to stay safe under the sun
Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to watch a video about how to stay safe when your under the sun.
Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 2:

Do you do these? I do.
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Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 2:
Do you do these? I do.
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Wednesday, 2 January 2019
SLJ A good time for tourists to come
Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity I had to choose which season tourists should come to New Zealand.
Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 1:
I think tourists should come to New Zealand in Spring. When they are here in NZ, I think they should go visit:
1. Hamilton Gardens (there are lots of different gardens from different cultures, the best thing is that it's free!)
2. Milford Sound (there are some great views there)
3. Hobbiton Movie Set (that's actually where the movie took place)
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Here is my Week 3 Day 1 Activity 1:
I think tourists should come to New Zealand in Spring. When they are here in NZ, I think they should go visit:
1. Hamilton Gardens (there are lots of different gardens from different cultures, the best thing is that it's free!)
2. Milford Sound (there are some great views there)
3. Hobbiton Movie Set (that's actually where the movie took place)
Hamilton Gardens
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SLJ Fundraising for a beautiful Reef
Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to list 3 different ways we can help fundraise for the Great Barrier Reef.
Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 3:

My favorite way is Fundraising 2. I like this one because I think it makes kids get active and they can think of different ways to fundraise.
Do you think these ideas are cool? Which one do you like best?
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Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 3:
My favorite way is Fundraising 2. I like this one because I think it makes kids get active and they can think of different ways to fundraise.
Do you think these ideas are cool? Which one do you like best?
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SLJ Polluted rivers
Kia ora. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to find 3 polluted rivers and describe them.
Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 2:
3 polluted rivers:
SLJ Overfishing
Guten Tag! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity I pondered(think deeply) about whether the Overfishing rule is okay.
Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 1:
I think the Overfishing rule is okay. People should pay a $100, 000 dollar fine if they are caught fishing in overfished areas. I think this rule is okay because:
1. People shouldn't be sneaking into closed areas
2. Some animals only eat fish and if there isn't enough food for them, they would starve and maybe become endangered animals.
What do you think?
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Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 1:
I think the Overfishing rule is okay. People should pay a $100, 000 dollar fine if they are caught fishing in overfished areas. I think this rule is okay because:
1. People shouldn't be sneaking into closed areas
2. Some animals only eat fish and if there isn't enough food for them, they would starve and maybe become endangered animals.
What do you think?
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SLJ Selfie time
Ni hao! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to look at a picture and make a short story out of it.
Here is my Week 2 Day 4 Activity 3:
My beautiful selfieπ |
Do you like my story? Do you know what country this is?
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Tuesday, 1 January 2019
SLJ A name for a stinky bath
Konnichiwa! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to come up with a new name for the Devils Bath.
Here is my Week 2 Day 4 Activity 2:
My new names for the Devils Bath:
1. Rotten Cucumber π₯
2. Stinky Socks Bath* π£
3. Vomit Pool π
4. Stinky Emerald ◇
5. Slime Water
What do you think of my names? What name do you like best?
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Here is my Week 2 Day 4 Activity 2:
My new names for the Devils Bath:
1. Rotten Cucumber π₯
2. Stinky Socks Bath* π£
3. Vomit Pool π
4. Stinky Emerald ◇
5. Slime Water
What do you think of my names? What name do you like best?
Blog ya later!
SLJ Milford Sound
Kia ora. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to decide whether I would like to visit Milford Sound by foot, boat or helicopter.
Here is my Week 2 Day 4 Activity 1:
I would like to visit Milford Sound by helicopter. I chose the helicopter because:
1. I would get a good view of the mountains
2. I would get to see the all of the landscape(if I chose to walk, I might not get to see everything)
3. I wouldn't get tired
Would you choose to visit by foot, boat or helicopter?
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Here is my Week 2 Day 4 Activity 1:
I would like to visit Milford Sound by helicopter. I chose the helicopter because:
1. I would get a good view of the mountains
2. I would get to see the all of the landscape(if I chose to walk, I might not get to see everything)
3. I wouldn't get tired
Would you choose to visit by foot, boat or helicopter?
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