Tuesday, 8 January 2019

SLJ Taniwha

Kia Orana! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to wonder whether I believe that the Taniwha exists.
Here is my Week 4 Day 1 Activity 2:

Do I believe that the Taniwha exists?
Yes, I believe that the Taniwha exists.
I believe it exists because it might be a transforming animal, I mean, perhaps they could shape shift into fish and hide away from humans.
I also believe they exist because they might be invisible, I think that they would be invisible because if they need to catch their prey, it would be too hard, their prey would see them easily by the size so that's why they need to be invisible.

What do you think? Do you think the Taniwha exists? Please tell me what you think.
Blog ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire,

    It's Leslie here, reading your blog from my home in Canada as a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. You're doing a super job of all of these activities. Well done!

    I find it interesting that you think that there are animals that can shape-shift. That would be rather magical, wouldn't it? And you're suggesting that there are invisible creatures on the planet too. Hmmm... that's a really interesting idea. Do you think they would literally be invisible, or would they be so camouflaged that they just wouldn't be visible in their underwater environment?

    Our myths and legends try to explain a lot of things that we humans don't understand. It's certainly hard to explain the eruption of bubbles on the surface of water when we can't just see what's down below, isn't it? We've had stories of big sea/lake creatures existing in Canada too. We also have a famous story about a creature called "Big Foot" who supposedly lives in the mountains out west. Giant footprints have been found in the soil and in the snow and a few different people have said that they're spotted a huge, hairy creature off in the distance in the woods. But no one has been able to get close enough to verify what it was - a mystery!

    Perhaps some day in the future a Taniwha will be filmed in the wild, and the answer to the question as to whether or not they exist will be answered with more certainty. Meanwhile, we'll just keep wondering, won't we?

    I hope you're having a really good summer holiday! And I'll keep on reading your blog.




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