Wednesday, 9 January 2019

SLJ A house is NOT a home

Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to go onto the Fauna & Flora International (FFI)website and look for a project that interests me.
Here is my Week 4 Day 2 Activity 3:

The project that interests me is Protecting Cambodia’s coastal and marine environments.
I chose this projects because:
1. Seahorses are listed to be saved in this project and I like seahorses.
2. FFI are also trying to save the hawksbill and green turtles by protecting the turtle habitats and nesting areas. This is a good idea to me.

Blog ya later!


  1. Hi Claire,

    My name is Willy and I'm one of the commenters for the Summer Learning Journey these holidays.

    Nice job on completing another activity! From reading, this is really straightforward in why your chosen project interests you. I also agree with you, protecting turtle habitats and nesting areas really does sound like a good idea - let alone protecting Cambodia's marine environment so that it is still thriving for generations to come :D

    Keep up the great work! You're on the last week of the activities so keep them coming! You'll be earning those points in no time :)


  2. Hi Willy,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    I really appreciate it that you came to have a look at my blog.


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