Monday, 31 December 2018

SLJ Math

Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity I had to figure out a math question.
Here is my Week 2 Day 3 Activity 3:

Solution 1: If 1 adult can carry 25 kg, then that means that you will need 4 adults to lift 100 kg, right? If the squid weighs 500kg, all you need to do is times 4 by 5.
Answer: You will need 20 adults and 0 children to lift the squid.

You can get lots of different answers to this question.
Can you figure them out?
Blog ya later!

SLJ A Local Delicacy

Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to write down the ingredients from one of my favorite food.
Here is my Week 2 Day 3 Activity 2:

Ingredients for Sushi:

1. Rice
2. Sushi wrap
3. Smoked salmon slice
4. Avacoda slice
5. Tuna from a can
6. Cucumber slice
7. Capcican slice
You can choose your own stuffing but this is the stuffing I like to use.
Blog ya later!

SLJ Night owl or Early riser?

Kia ora! I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to think whether I'm a Night owl or an Early riser.
Here is my Week 2 Day 3 Activity 1:

Are you a Night owl or an Early riser?
 I'm both. I'm a Night owl because I stay up till around 9:00pm.
I'm also an Early riser because I wake at around 6:00am.

My Sister is wakes up at 7:30, not sure if that's an Early riser.
My Mum is a Night owl and an Early riser. She goes to sleep at 12:00am and wakes up around 6:00am.

Are you a Night owl or an Early riser?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Strange plants

Ni hao! I have been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to get 2 strange plants and find 3 similarities and 3 differences.
Here is my Week 2 Day 2 Activity 3:

Have you every seen any of these strange plants?
Blog ya later!


OLA! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to choose a strong and tough person that I know(someone I know personally or a character from a book, movie, T.V show).
Here is my Week 2 Day 2 Activity2:

My person is Matilda from the movie Matilda. Matilda is a girl that comes from a family that dislikes her. Matilda then learns that she has special powers. Matilda argues with her parent that she wants to go to school. Her parents say no at first but then give in. at school, Matilda has lots of lovely friends and a teacher, Ms Honey, that really cares for her. There's also a really mean princely that punishes children by using the Chokey.
In the end, Ms Honey adopts Matilda and becomes the Principal of the school.
I chose Matilda because she has a really strong personality and is tough on the inside.

Blog ya later!

SLJ Weaving, weaving, weaving...

Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ.
Here is my Week 2 Day 2 Activity1:
Do you like flax weaving?
No. Not really.
I don't like flax weaving because at a Holiday Program that I go to, we do flax weaving every Holiday.
I also don't like flax weaving because it frustrates me when I make the gaps to big.
I also get bored if I have to sit weaving for a long time.

Do you like flax weaving?
Blog ya later!

Sunday, 30 December 2018

SLJ True or false?

Kia ora. I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to decide if some questions are true or false.
Here is my Week 2 Day 1 Activity 3:

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. TRUE
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. TRUE
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) TRUE
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ FALSE
Do you think I'm right?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Supporters

Ciao! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to list 3 people that I would like to support me at the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge.
Here is my Week 1 Day 1 Activity 2:
I would choose:

  • My mum because she always encourages me to do something.
  • My sister, Alodia, because she like to cheer me on when I'm racing or competing in competitions.
  • My teacher, Miss Mills, because she is very organized and will make sure that I am at the right place.

Who would your supporters be?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Favorite Summer Activity

Kia ora, I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to post about my favorite summer activity.
Here is my Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1:

This Summer, I went Ice skating. I know it's not really something you do over the Summer, but, it's an activity I did over the Summer. I chose Ice skating as one of my favorite activities because:
1. It helps you cool off on a hot day.
2. I love the feeling of the cold wind blowing on my face.

This is a photo of me, my sister and my friend, Lucy.
What's your favorite Summer activity?
Blog ya later!

Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Kia ora! I have been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to imagine that New Zealand was about to sink and I was told to write about what New Zealand was like in 2018.
Here is my Week 1 Day 5 Activity 3:

This year, in New Zealand, the year felt like it's gone by quickly. This year, I had Miss Mills for my Teacher. Miss Mills is a very nice teacher. I don't know how to explain but, she just is. This year was a really good last year at Owairaka because:
1. I won my first cup (It was a Top Senior Award)
2. I won the school cup πŸ˜„

I don't really feel like I've graduated from Owairaka yet. My 6 years at Owairaka Primary felt very short.
New Zealand is an awesome country!
Blog ya later!

SLJ A letter

Hello, it's Claire here. I've been doing some SLJ. For this activity, I had to write a letter to a family or friend telling them about the Tundra.
Here is my Week 1 Day 5 Activity 2:

Dear Mum, 
I'm writing this letter in the middle of the Tundra.

This place is awful! It's tree-less and so cold. It's so dry 
that some of the grass here is brown!
Tundra is kind of like a valley, there are lots of mini
mountains growing out of the flat surface.

I  can't wait to go home!
Lots of love

Would you like to go to Tundra?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Logging

Kia ora! I have been doing some more SLJ. For this Activity, I had to think whether logging should be allowed in New Zealand.
Here is my Week 2 Day 5 Activity 1:

Do you think should logging be allowed in New Zealand?

No. I defiantly don't think logging is allowed in NZ.
I think logging in NZ should be banned because:

  • Living creatures depend on trees to breath, if there are not enough trees, we could die from limited trees.🌲
  • Some animals live in forest habitats and if they lose their home, the animals could become endangered.😒
What do you think? Should logging be banned?
Blog ya later!

SLJ My hotel!

Kia ora, it's Claire here again! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to make my own hotel and where I would build it.
Here is my Week 1 Day 4 Activity 3:

Where would I build my hotel? I would build my hotel near a beach so they can have a good view from their rooms and so they can go to the beach every day.

Here is my hotel:

What would your Hotel look like?
Blog ya later!

Monday, 24 December 2018

SLJ Yum yum!!

Kia ora, it's Claire again. I have been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to write down the recipe of my favorite food.
Here is my Week 1 Day 4 Activity 1:



Pork mince
Pasta sauce
Green peas(optional)

1. Cook the pasta in a pot for 20 minutes or until soft.
2. While the pasta is cooking, stir fry the mince in a pan until fully cooked.
3. Once the mince is cooked, add the pasta sauce and peas in and stir to avoid overcooked at the bottom.
4. At the same time, the pasta should be nearly ready. When it is, take it out of the post and rinse under water.
5. when the pasta is ready, put it on a plate and serve the sauce on the top.
6. Serve while still warm, you can add cheese, pepper and salt for a better taste.

That is my recipe for Pasta. What's your favorite food?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Excuse me, Sir Edmund Hillary!

Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I have to think of 5 questions I would like to ask Sir Edmund Hillary.
Here is my Week 1 Day 4 Activity 1:

1. How cold was it when you reached the top of the mountain?
2. Did you ever feel like giving up?
3. How long did it take you to reach the top?
4. Would you rather be on a $5 note or a $100 note?
5. Why did you want to climb Mt Everest?

What questions would you ask?
Blog ya later!

SLJ Endangered animals

Kia ora, I have been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to watch a video about an endangered animal, then I had to put some information down about what I learned from the video.
Here is my Week 1 Day 3 Activity 3:

WWF(World Wildlife Fund) is working to save the Saimmaa ringed seals.
WWF are trying to save these seals by making them snowbanks so they can have their seal pups, if the seals don't have the snowbanks, then they have their pups on open ice where there is no shelter against predators, the cold and other disturbances. They could die.
One year, the seals gave birth to 81 pups and around 90 percent of them were born on man-made snowbanks.

Blog ya later!

Sunday, 23 December 2018

SLJ DOC rangers....hmm....

Namasta! I have been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I have to write down 3 pros(good things) and 3 cons(bad things) about working as a DOC(Department of Conversation) ranger(DOC rangers help protect lizards).
Here is my Week 1 Day 3 Activity 2:

3 pros:
1. The first good reason about being a DOC ranger is because you get to see lots off different breeds of geckos and skinks.
2. Another good reason about being a DOC ranger is that when you help a skink, you feel really good about it.
3. My last good reason about being a DOC ranger is that you get to go on lots of bush walks!

3 cons:
1. The first bad reason about being a DOC ranger is that you might come across an angry gecko and you might get bitten.
2. Another bad reason about being a DOC ranger is that some people might be frightened of skinks, the skinks might remind the humans of snakes!
3. My last bad reason about being a  DOC ranger is that you will need to carry a lot of equipment around with you. It can be very tiring.
I wouldn't want to be a DOC Ranger because I'm kind of afraid of sinks myself, thy kind of remind me snakes. I don't like snakes:(
Blog ya later!


Hola! I have been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, we had to describe our own beast.
Please close your eyes and form a picture in your mind while listening or you can draw it.
Here is my Week 1 Day 3 Activity 1:

The beast has a small circular body. It's neck is the length of your fingernail. It has a tail that is curly like a pigs. The beast legs are short and stubby. At the end of each leg is a hoof. On the Beasts head, are two big circle ears.
The Beast has a small triangle shaped nose that sticks out from the face. The beast has sharp 4 sharp fangs and small triangle teeth.
The Beast has a pair of wingsΚ—Κ—. The wings are covered in feathers and is a blur of when they fly.
The Beasts body is covered in scales except for the head, tail and hooves. The scales are normally sliver but when light hits them, they turn to rainbow colors.
The beast has a pair of green wings that camouflage with the green around it.
The beast is only found in rain forests.

What should my beast be called?
Blog ya later

SLJ Math question...

Ni Hao, it's Claire here again! I have been doing some more SLJ! For this activity, I had to solve a math problem.
Here is my Week 1 Day 2 Activity 3:

You receive a cactus for your birthday. Too keep it alive, you must give it 3 milliliters(ml) of water every day. Over 1 full year, how much water will you need to give to your cactus?

First I need to figure out how many days are in a year and that's 365. Next I have to know how many milliliters I give to my cactus and that's 3 ml. Now I times 365 by 3.

365 x 3=



If you don't know how to figure that out it's alright.
To figure out 365 by 3, first, times 300 and 3. That makes 900.
Second, you times 60 and 3, which is 180.
Last, you times 5 by 3, and that makes 15.
After that, you plus all the number together, so:


So the answer is...1,095 ml

Blog ya later!


Bonjour! It's Claire here. I have been working on some more SLJ. For this activity, I had to find sport team names with the word 'fern' in it.
Here is my Week 1 Day 2 Activity 2:

My favorite uniform is the Silver ferns uniform, I like the design.

Do you play any sports?
Blog ya later!

SLJ The Lord of the Forest

Kia ora, I have been doing some more SLJ. This activity is about a massive Kauri tree.
Here is my Week 1 Day 2 Activity 1:

Would you like to go and visit the largest Kauri tree, Tane Mahuta or also known as 'The Lord of the Forest'?
Yes, I would like to see this legendary tree. I want to go see Tane Mahuta because you can't find many Kauri trees out in the world, it's especially hard to find them when they are in danger from the 'Kauri dieback'. I think it would be quite special to see this magnificent tree for real. I also want to see this tree because maybe I can learn more about it and maybe help the save the Kauri trees.

Would you like to see Tane Mahuta?
Blog ya later!


Kia ora, I have been doing some more SLJ.
For this activity, you have to put the things that help you stay safe on the internet.
Here is my Week 1 day 1 Activity 3:

I hope that you can stay safe on the internet. Don't share you private information.
Blog ya later!


Kia ora, I have been doing some more SLJ.
Here is my Week 1 Day 1 Activity 2:

Describe your hometown

My hometown is Auckland. Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand with the population of 1.614 million in 2016. The Sky Tower is one of Auckland most popular attractions. It's 328 meters tall. You can go to Level 53 and leap off from the tower and fall 192 meters straight down. The highest part of the Sky Tower is the Sky Deck where you can stand and take in an amazing view.
Auckland is a unique, enjoyable, lovely city.

Blog ya later!

Summer Learning Journey

I have been doing the Summer Learning Journey(SLJ) program. SLJ helps you in the holidays so that you don't get the Summer slide. The Summer slide is when your work all goes down instead of up(you lose some of your knowledge that you gained during school time and when you come back to school after the holidays, you get worse instead of better).
Here is my Week 1 Day 1 Activity 1:

3 facts about New Zealand

  1. New Zealand has another name in Maori which is Aotearoa meaning ‘The land of the long white cloud’
  2. At the moment, Queen Elizabeth ll is the Queen of New Zealand who lives in London.
  3. New Zealand is one of the least populated countries in the world.

Blog ya later

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Last post of the year

Kia ora, this is going to be my last post of the year. Next year I will be off to intermediate and I won't be able to post on this blog anymore.

Things  I have enjoyed outside school the most are:
1. Camp
2. Trip to Rainbow's end
3. Netball tournament
4. Mud run
5. Eden/Albert swimming

Things I have enjoyed in school the most are:
1. Kauri big splash
2. Race relations day

Here are some things that I enjoyed doing in the class:
Creating our bedroom using Area and Perimeter

Making our own Area and Perimeter picture

Fibonacci spiral art

Creating our own garden using floor planner

Making a scene from Tui st tales

Making a profile picture using be funky

These are some things I really enjoyed about this year.
Blog ya later!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Color by numbers

In Room 25, we have been doing a 'Color by numbers' activity.
Here is our 'Color by numbers' activity:

Here is my own color by numbers:

You can make your own 'Color by numbers'.
Blog ya later!


Last week, on Friday, we had an awesome day of Kauri big splash. We had a whole day in the school pool swimming in lots of different activities.
There were competitive ones: Freestyle x2 boys and x2 girls, Backstroke x2 boys and x2 girls, Relay x2 boys and x2 girls.
Fun activities: Flutter board, Noodle tow, Bucket relay, Seal relay, Clothes relay and Class under over.
I swam in all the competitive ones and Noodle tow, Bucket relay, Seal relay and Class under over.
It was a great day.

Here are some photos:
Here I'm swimming in girls Freestyle

I'm pushing the ball with my head like a seal

Opps...went into the wrong lane

Struggling to keep the bucket under my chin
My finish pose in the girls Freestyle

Have you had a big splash before?
Blog ya later!