Monday, 24 December 2018

SLJ Excuse me, Sir Edmund Hillary!

Kia ora! I've been doing some more SLJ. For this activity, I have to think of 5 questions I would like to ask Sir Edmund Hillary.
Here is my Week 1 Day 4 Activity 1:

1. How cold was it when you reached the top of the mountain?
2. Did you ever feel like giving up?
3. How long did it take you to reach the top?
4. Would you rather be on a $5 note or a $100 note?
5. Why did you want to climb Mt Everest?

What questions would you ask?
Blog ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Fakalofa lahi atu Claire,

    You have asked a couple of good questions here, number two is a very good question, I'd love to know what kept him going. However, some of these questions could be answered easily with some research of your own. It is always good to think of some questions that only the person you are interviewing could answer/would know, that is something you could do in future.

    A few questions I would probably ask are; ‘Did you hallucinate at all breathing in the thin air?’ and 'Did you see anyone who had frozen to death on the climb? How did it make you feel?’. I bet the mental struggle was almost as tough as the physical climb, I can’t imagine trying to climb in that environment. Could you? Would you?

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,



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