Friday, 3 August 2018

Film Festival

On Thursday, Kauri team went to the Film Festival in the city which was held in the old Civic Center. At the film festival, there was a number of schools there so if you are reading this post, you may have gone to the Film Festival too. In the Film Festival, they showed us short films. There were 12 films.
Here are my favourite's:

My favourite 2 videos are Awaker (the bell one) and Two Trams. I like Awaker because the man  gives the little boy bells, I think the boy is given bells because there is nothing for him in the little hut that they live in.
I like Two Trams because the older tram (that could be the father or mother) teaches the little red tram how to be a tram. The older tram was very patient and teaches him through his tram life. I was a bit sad when the older tram became old and rusty. I was quite upset when it went out to do its job when it wasn't really supposed to, especially when it had already dropped a screw.

Blog ya later!


  1. Yo Claire.
    This is Alodia from Room 8.
    I also liked awaker and two trams. They were both really touching.
    Did you also like power.

  2. Hi Alodia, thank you for writing a positive comment on my blog, which one is 'Power'?


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